Mission of Hands on Peru
Hands on Peru (HOP) is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit with an international commitment to improving access to public health and preventive health services and quality health education for disempowered and marginalized communities in Peru.
HOP serves as an educational platform for students around the world, to give them hands on opportunities to engage in community public health interventions, molding the next generation of public health professionals.
Vision for Hand on Peru
To generate change in the face of healthcare in Peru, shifting the paradigm from curation to prevention.

Mission of CESAPU
CESAPU brings an innovative approach that equips vulnerable communities with knowledge, tools, and equitable opportunities in order to improve their social determinants of health, pioneering public health theory into practice.
Vission of CESAPU
To build and empower healthy and sustainable communities.
Our Philosophy
To reduce multidimensional poverty and stimulate behavior change through participatory public health interventions.