| +1 (919) 434 8072

The ability to speak English is a unique and valuable skill in today’s global world. Knowing another language, especially a language that is as widespread as English, opens up many doors and opportunities for a child’s future. We want to help build a solid foundation where children can learn English, as many of the language classes they are offered in school are weakly structured with inadequate materials.

CESAPU offers English classes to both children and adults. These classes are dictated by native speakers from the United States, and are available to everyone. Registration for the class is 1 sol per person throughout the months of summer break in Peru (January, February & March). It is exciting and inspiring to see the children progress in their knowledge of the language and the dedication that many of them have for coming to class on time every time.

During the other months, Hands to Teach volunteers will teach English in local elementary and high schools and work with the children of CESAPU in the after-school program, helping them with their homework.

Similarly, we aim to promote values, group integration, and provide encouragement to conquer their goals and dreams. Attaining the skill of speaking English, the children will be more competitive in the workplace and it will open more doors and provide opportunities for better jobs in the future. Do not miss the opportunity to experience the love, admiration and innocence that they share with their native teachers. Take the hand of a child, and together you will grow and help each other on this journey through life. The financial contributions of the volunteers will serve to provide study materials, lessons, and classes to teach these children.

**For the volunteers interested in applying for Hands to Teach, this program will be open year-round. The volunteer may choose to join one of the structured special sessions, which means that they will be included in all of the extra cultural activities that Hands to Care volunteers get access to.  If you choose this option, you will pay the same program fee as shown in the special sessions table.

See *Hands to Care* for program dates and prices.


***Get a bonus for spreading the word of HOP! you can refer a friend and get $100 off or refer 3 friends and get $500 off. They only need to add your name in the application form, in the question that mention how they did they hear about HOP.

What this includes:

Included Not Included
Airport pick up/drop off from Trujillo airport Airfare to Peru (must fly into Lima and purchase connecting flight from Lima → Trujillo)
Comfortable home-stay (WiFi, warm water, and other amenities) Travel Insurance
3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) included in your homestay Hostel stay and meals in Lima and meals you choose to eat outside of your homestay
Transportation to the worksites and to the programmed activities. Personal vaccinations and medications and coverage of medical expenses in case of an emergency
3-5 cultural activities depending on weekend travel (see note below) Extra Activities – Club HOP: These are optional activities that you may chose to partake in during your stay in Trujillo / Huanchaco
All tools and equipment necessary for the education campaigns Personal spending and meals of the weekend travel
Hop volunteer t-shirt & other HOP merchandise Hop outerwear & other merchandise at HOP store
24+ hour support from volunteer coordinator  Personal Expenses
Invaluable life experience!  Trip to Cusco / Machu Picchu

* Note re. Cultural activities & weekend travel: 
Sometimes, we plan overnight travels to host health campaigns 4+ hours away. In this case, we will pay for your lodging, bus and 1 meal of your weekend travel. If we schedule a travel campaign, you will receive 3 cultural activities. If there is not a travel campaign scheduled, you will receive 5 cultural activities. Either way, we build time into your schedule to give you a free weekend that you may travel around Northern Peru. Also, every session will have the opportunity to do a travel campaign to the highlands (which many times can be a day trip).

* Note re. Travel to Machu Picchu:
We highly encourage our volunteers to explore Machu Picchu. Many volunteers choose to add an additional week onto the end of their trip to give them time to do so, other volunteers will take the last few days of the organized trip to travel. Travel plans are best done (and cheaper) while in Peru when you can schedule & plan with your fellow volunteers. We encourage volunteers to plan before hand as well among each other.

– Arrival and departure dates are flexible according to your university schedule.

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