| +1 (919) 434 8072
  1. For graduate students in the health professions
  2. For healthcare professionals
  3. For non-medical groups

Why go on a medical mission trip?

The answers for why we go on mission trips are endless, and vary from person to person; a global view of health and health care is essential for any health care professional. To humble oneself and ask the question “how can I help?” better yet “how can I learn?” To reach marginalized populations with quality care, to train local health professionals in innovative techniques, and to enhance one’s own worldview of medicine… not to mention travel the world and enjoy new cultures, their food, and their traditions.

Why choose Hands on Peru?

Hands on Peru, in 2016, built ‘Cesapu – Centro de Salud Pública’ as an answer to Peru’s problem of a lack of prevention and education in the health system. Cesapu is a sustainable solution to meet the global poor’s health care needs, with each mission group building on the last. You can know that for sure, when you leave, the system you developed and the care you provided will not collapse and the people who you helped will continue to receive care through Cesapu and our dedicated year-round staff.

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