| +1 (919) 434 8072

Your money goes to 4 major branches:

  1. You: It means your food and lodging, your activities, your airport transportation, your transportation for work, weekend travels, t-shirt etc, coordinator costs, etc. More detailed information found online /Sessions.
  2. Health Campaigns : Your program fee supports all necessary supplies and equipment and health staff for the health campaigns during your trip. These campaigns can support between 15 – 150 people, depending on the location and type of campaign.
  3. Community Programs: Your program fee includes a donation to our community programs so that we can continue to work with individuals in CESAPU all year, particularly during the months when there are no volunteers. 
  4. Maintenance of HOP as a functioning nonprofit: including website maintenance, administrative fees, building maintenance, employee support, etc.

Let's Make a Difference in
the Lives of Others