| +1 (919) 434 8072

Program Name: Hands to Build

Main Objetive

To expand access to improved water & improved sanitation conditions for everyone in our community.

The Problem

Millions of children worldwide, and in Peru, die due to low access to improved sources of water and improved sanitation.

The Solution

Short term goal: Expand access to improved sanitation & water.

Medium & long term goal: Reduce incidence of diarrheal disease and other sanitary related conditions.

Our Reach

In 2018, we built 6 bathrooms from scratch and impacted over 60 people directly. Our water filters went to 110 homes and reached over 1,000 people.


2018 – 110+ Sawyer water filters distributed

2019 – 6 bathrooms built from scratch


We collaborated with 8 engineering students from the volunteer group “Solidarinsa” from INSA Lyon University, France.

Together with 33 Buckets in 2018, we gifted  Sawyer water filters to every one of the 110 families living in Villa Los Angeles.

Innovation & Future Aspirations

Our goal is that every household in Villa Los Angeles has access to filtered drinking water as well as improved sanitation.


Renzo Aguilar – HOP Project Lead

Segundo Plasencia – Community partner & Master Builder

Let's Make a Difference in
the Lives of Others