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Sarah Brady

I had an amazing experience with Hands on Peru and it truly exceeded all of my expectations. I lived with a host mom, Ana, two host brothers, and three HOP volunteers. We all became really close and living with a host family allows you to improve your Spanish and experience Peruvian culture first-hand.

This program is perfect for anyone interested in a health-related career, or anyone who just loves to help others! It was interesting to see Peru’s healthcare system up close and be able to interact with those in need. Everyone in the community is so grateful for your help and more than willing to teach you new things while you are at your worksites.

My favorite part of the program was the medical campaign at the end. HOP is unlike any other volunteer program because you actually get to do so much hands on work! You don’t just observe and sit in the background…you really make a difference and learn a lot.

Thanks again for everything this summer.

Sarah Brady

Kallie Dalton

This trip was the best experience of my life. I was able to see do things that most medical students don’t get to do until their 3rd year. I witnessed the miracle of birth first hand. It was definitely the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. I was also able to observe multiple surgeries including one on a spine, one on an eyeball, several C-sections, an abdominal hernia repair, and an emergency appendectomy. I personally got to vaccinate people in their homes and out on the street against influenza and HPV. I also learned how to insert IVs and how to suture. I was even able to participate in a medical campaign that served nearly 150 people who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to receive medical attention. Also during the same campaign, nearly 300 people were fed a huge hot meal and all the children were given toys, clothes, and school supplies. It was a truly eye-opening experience to see the gratitude people had, even if all I did was check their blood pressure.

I had the opportunity to watch many different health professions during this trip, which resulted in me changing my desired career path not once, but twice over the course of the five weeks. Now I am bound and determined to become a surgeon one day! This was an amazing trip that not only assured me that I am meant to be in the healthcare field, but also sparked my determination to achieve my goal of one day becoming a doctor. My passion for medicine has only grown stronger after this experience.

Another fun part about this trip was learning Spanish. Communicating could sometimes be extremely frustrating, but if I learned anything it’s that a smile in universal. I have so much respect for people who up and move to another country without knowing the language first. It can be really scary when you are in a room full of people and can’t speak with any of them. I am proud to say that by the end I was bargaining in shops and holding basic conversations. Practice, practice, practice!

Aside from the medical volunteering, we were also able to travel all over the country on our free weekends. I visited Mancora, Huaraz, Cusco, and Lima while I was there. I climbed mountains, rode horses on the beach, and even saw on of the seven wonders of the world. Peru is a beautiful country with lots to offer. I would definitely recommend a trip to Machu Picchu.
Over the course of the 5 weeks I made some amazing friends, met some wonderful people, saw amazing medical procedures, and learned a ton about Peruvian healthcare. I gained first-hand experience that fueled my desire to become a doctor, and was able to help people in need. This trip was truly a blessing, and so were all of you.

Kallie Dalton

Pooja Iyer

My experience with Hands on Peru was without a doubt, one of the best experiences of my entire life. Prior to this program, I was always on the fence about whether or not I wanted to attend med school. The opportunity to communicate and work directly with patients was incredible. I was not only improving my Spanish, but I felt as thought I was making a difference with a variety of patients, such as those of the psychiatric ward, surgery patients, and many others. Apart from the work itself, Trujillo is a fantastic city. The people here are some of the most hospitable in the entire world. In five short weeks, the friends I made quickly became family. I am counting down the days and saving the dollars until I can return!

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Kelsey Williamson

Thank you so much for making Hands on Peru! I am happy that I met Katie who told me about this opportunity. I am very lucky that I could come here. Thank you for all you did to help me move closer to my dream of becoming an Obstetrician – Gynecologist. I know you had to do a lot of work to plan such a great experience. Thank you again!


T´Lasia Smaw

The fact that I leave this beautiful place that I’ve called home for the past 5 weeks just breaks my heart… I will NEVER forget the fun times, the education, and the opportunity to give back and assist those less fortunate than others that I’ve had here.

Being able to see firsthand the difference in healthcare that exists here in comparison to the States ignites a passion to DO and BE everything I can and have the potential to be. I want to give a lot of thanks to Rosa Sanchez for everything that she has done for me here in Peru and for granting me the pleasure of shadowing some of the greatest OBs. I am leaving with a lifetime amount of memories and love in my heart for the people of Peru that I will never forget. Thank you HOP. Thank you Peru. Thank you God.

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Samina Hussain

Before even arriving in Peru, HOP was extremely accommodating and flexible by working with my schedule. Once I was there, my host family made me feel right at home and introduced me to Peruvian culture. Our classes and fieldwork were extremely hands-on, which was great! There was the perfect balance of fun and education with HOP.

I loved my host family and Rosa is a great director! HOP memories will stay with me forever. Te extraño Perú!


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