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Alison Landes

I am so glad I decided to travel to Peru and work as a medical volunteer with this program. I was unsure at first, but as soon as I arrived in Peru, I felt at home. Everyone who works with Hands on Peru (and every Peruvian I met!) is warm and friendly. They all want you to have an amazing experience and will bend over backward to make sure you do. My host family made me feel so at ease and I feel as close to them as I do to my family in the U.S. Rosa, the program coordinator, is absolutely lovely and will be both your mentor and best friend.

While on my trip, I volunteered in four different hospitals and got hands on experience in several different fields. I really enjoyed the public health rotation, during which went out into Peru’s poor communities and provided community members with free injections and much-needed health education. I also got the chance to see several births and one c-section, which was really cool!
I stayed in Trujillo, but also had the opportunity to spend a weekend in Lima and another in Punta Veleros, which was so much fun! The program isn’t just about working hard, but also having fun, and there are plenty of opportunities to do that. While traveling around Peru, I made friends from all over the world.
I had an amazing time in Peru, and I know you will too. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions!


Juhi Gor

Thank you so much for everything! I enjoyed myself so much, and it was such a great experience for me. I loved every minute in Peru, and I want to thank you for arranging everything for me to make this the best experience possible. It definitely gave me greater insight on the medical field! Thank you again for everything.


Kristen Weakley

I had the wonderful privilege to stay with “Mama Liz” and her family during my Summer 2014 session. Mamá Liz is a fantastic cook and provided genuine Peruvian breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two other volunteers and myself. She took care of us and welcomed us like her own daughters. Mamá only spoke to us in Spanish because she believes that volunteers should experience her culture.

My Spanish definitely improved very quickly! Señora Liz’s apartment is in the neighborhood “El Golf” in Trujillo. It is a very safe area and is a short taxi ride from the nearest mall, lavandería, and all of the work sites. There is wifi available, but I recommend that you try to see as much of Trujillo as you can!
We shared this apartment with Señora Liz’s mother and daughter. Abuelita is very sweet and kept me company in the living room on lazy afternoons. Maria José, or “Majo”, became one of my good friends and I am lucky to have had her as a host sister. My host family was a very important part of my experience here in Trujillo, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to meet them.


Kayce Scinta

I absolutely love Peru and Hands On Peru! (I will be recommending it to everyone I know! ) I will never forget all the wonderful people I got to meet and the memories I have made! It is clear how passionate you are about this program which makes it that much more meaningful to me! It was a perfect blend of volunteering and exploring.

I truly felt fully immersed into Peru’s culture by being able to live with a Peruvian Host family and being able to make some great Peruvian friends. Rosa you are truly an amazing person and I hope you continue changing people lives with your HOP programs for many many years!


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